woensdag 15 oktober 2008

INstalling coldfusion 701 on Debian using Apach2

I Recently had to do this, it was not easy, but in the end i leaned heavily on the manual found at http://www.compoundtheory.com/?ID=233&action=displayPost

Install debian

login and become root
Install apache2 unzip and the Build essentials package

apt-get install apache2 build-essentials unzip

Create a user for the coldfusion enviroment
adduser coldfusion

Change the ownership of the /var/www to the coldfusion user
chown coldfusion /var/www

Get you coldfusion.bin file overto the machine (i used SCP but you can use wget or whatever)
there is a compatibilty issue but you can solve it like this :
Rename the coldfusion-7.0*-lin.bin to coldfusion-70*-lin.bak
and execute the following command

cat coldfusion-702-lin.bak | sed "s/export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL/#xport LD

Run the newly made installer (be sure to do this as root)
1. Choose Server Configuration
2. Add web server Configuration
1. Apache
1. What directory contains your Apache configuration file:
2. Where is the Apache program binary file?:
3. Where is the control file that you use to start and stop the Apache web server?:
3. Choose ColdFusion MX Administrator Location:
4. Enter the name of the runtime user:
Enter the name of the user that you created and set to own /var/www

Then we need to install and download the hotfix
You can download it here but the instructions are not entirely correct
You need to indeed unzip the file in /opt/coldfusion7.0*/runtime/lib but the command is not suited for a debian enviroment.
It should be

java -Dtrace.ci=1 -jar wsconfig.jar -server coldfusion -ws apache -dir /etc/apache2 -bin /usr/sbin/apache2 -script /usr/sbin/apache2ctl -coldfusion -v

edit /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/connectors/apache_connector.sh and change the wsconfig
nano /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/connectors/apache_connector.sh
../../runtime/bin/wsconfig \
-server coldfusion \
-ws apache \
-dir /etc/apache2 \
-bin /usr/sbin/apache2 \
-script /etc/init.d/apache2 \

exit $#

now you'll need to start coldfusion

/opt/coldfusion/bin/coldfusion start

There will be an error about the connector - do not worry about it we can fix it by running the appache connector

cd /opt/coldfusionmx7/bin/connectors/
sudo ./apache_connector.sh

Browser to: http://your-machine/cfide/administrator/index.cfm

There you go, done and over with

vrijdag 3 oktober 2008

Help My xp box is running slow

We've all had users with the problem in the titel
what can be done
well there are a couple of things that can be done

Check out any obvious problems with the machine

first off have a look in the system tray and the process list to see if anny programs are taking a lot of the system's recources. (the process list can be acessed thru ctrl alt del)
second go thru the installed software and remove anything that the user does not need (notice the distinction between "need" and "use", be careful with this. Some software that the user does use might depend on software that he or she does not use)

Also check how much hard drive space is available. Xp should have at least 500 mb drive space free in order to function optimally

run and install spyware scanners

personally i like the combo of adaware and spybot search & destroy, but to eatch his (or her) own. the reason i like these are a. i've been using them for a long while.
they work really well and complement each other. And to add to tat, both are free.
spybot search & detroy

install and run ccleaner.

ccleaner cleans out the temp files and other crap your computer gathers over the years. it's a great tool for doing a quick cleanup


Clean out the registry errors

CCleaner also has an option to scan for & fix registry errors (on the left, the icon of the brick beeing assembled from smaller bricks .
hav it scan for errors. after the scan is complete there will be a button to fix the errors that are selected. (normally all errors are automaicly selected) press that button.

scan for virussen

With whatever your favourite virusscanner is
I like the widows version of ClamAV http://w32.clamav.net/
and the free version of avg http://free.avg.com/
to scan pc's where there is a virus scanner or you can't install a virus scanner you can use Housecall http://housecall.trendmicro.com/emea/ (an online virus scanner)

defragment the disk

As you move files around on your disk the files end up beeing fragmented on the disk. this can have dramatic impact on the performance on the pc
to correct this open "my computer" right clicking the system drive (generally c:) choosing the "extra" tab and pushing the button defragment. you can than analyse the drive and if needed defragment it.

And if all else fails Reinstall the machine

When you are done reinstalling use clonezilla to take an image of the HD. that way , next time you don't need to reinstall from scratch.

donderdag 2 oktober 2008

Forwarding mail in debian

if you have a server sitting somewhere it is very useful to have the systems mail forwarded to your normal e-mail address

For this you will of course need to install postfix (or sendmail, but i use postfix)

$ sudo apt-get install postfix

after install open /etc/postfix/main.cf

$nano /ect/postfix/main.cf

and find the line that says relayhost = and fill out a useable relay host
then restart postfix

/etc/init.d/postfix restart

First for your normal users account create a file called " .forward " containing your e-mail adress
Root mial cannot be forwarded to anny user outside the machine. so we have to forward it to your user . (who then forwards it to your external e-mail account)

in the /root folder create a file called .forward containing "your-user-account"@localhost

>so for me this would be "wouter@localhost" (because my username is wouter)

you system mail should now be forwarded to your external e-mail account

woensdag 1 oktober 2008

Getting the nslu2 (with debian) to talk


I own an nslu2 on wich i run debian, for use as a small home-server and place from where i can ssh to the rest of the network

for those of you that are looking how to do this, please see this page

annyway getting it to produce a sound, anny sound can be quite usefull when running scripts and cronjobs.

First install beep
$ apt-get install beep

on a normal Debian system you would just give it the beep command
$ Beep

but to get your nslu2 to sing you should go
$ beep -e /dev/input/by-path/platform-ixp4xx-beeper*